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My Answer is …
It Makes Me Feel Like Magic!

For me I love almost any kind of music and it makes me feel good to know that there are positive, physical benefits from listening (and dancing) to it.
I talk about an NIH-funded music and health initiative. It’s so exciting to learn about some wonderful results they are getting from their research into Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and stroke recovery.
There are also interesting updates related to the grieving process, using music to help be more productive, and learning how music affects the brain.
Music can help people support and connect with others. It can help us to strengthen our own brains by learning and playing an instrument. It can also help you to remember where you parked your car or left your keys. All of these are in the podcast.
Hope you enjoy it! Let me know in the comments what you found most interesting or helpful.
Let me know What Song Makes You Want to Get Up and Dance?