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Mindfulness Meditation
For Your Health

We’re talking about Mindfulness and Meditation again, such an important topic that it can’t be talked about enough. These days with all of the anxiety, stress, and changing information our nervous systems are getting a real workout.
To relax and refresh your mind and your whole body systems you can’t do better than to spend some time every day meditating and practicing mindfulness in some way. There are so many different kinds of meditation available these days and all of them can help if you do at least one of them regularly.
There are silent meditations, guided meditations, meditations mixed with physical movement like yoga, walking, and tai chi, and many more that I don’t have room to list. The important thing is to find one or more that fit with you interests, physical abilities, schedule, and personal tastes. I talk about a breathing meditation in today’s podcast because it is the easiest to do – you don’t need to go anywhere, talk with anyone, or buy any special or additional furniture.
Below I have added a number of links to online apps and groups that can help you to find a meditation practice you will stick with and that will help with any of the anxiety and stress people are feeling during or after the Covid-19 pandemic. If you are looking for more discussion about meditation there are a number of other podcasts I have done about it and my guest last week, Jared Levenson, and I had a long discussion on his podcast which got posted this week. You can find that podcast on Apple or at his website –
Personally, I have found that sitting meditation combined with some other mindfulness philosophies have really helped me to relax and to keep the anxiety and stress at bay. If you find that you’re needing more than a regular meditation practice I would be happy to talk with you further – you can contact me directly at, commenting below, or send me a DM on Facebook .
Places to find more meditation information & apps: — free and paid for meditation site — online programs and a free app — UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center online streaming guided meditations; they have a wonderful app (UCLA Mindful app) at their website, Apple / iTunes, and Google Play (Mindfulness) — UC Berkeley Greater Good Science Center has free guided meditations — University of Massachusetts Memorial Center for Mindfulness has online programs available