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Valuable and Short Information

As the title says, this podcast is made up of 5 different short subjects. There were so many new and interesting studies that had been published that I thought it would be a good change from the longer one subject podcasts and the interviews I’ve been doing recently.
The different subjects are:
1) Chemotherapy and breast cancer
2) Covid-19 and its impact on loneliness
3) Gender and Alzheimer’s
4) Exercise for back pain
5) Soy and heart problems
I hope you find these to be as interesting and valuable as I did, especially in relation to those of us who are over 50 and trying to stay healthy, well, and active in mind and body.
I also gave an update on my training as a transformational coach and how I am offering pro bono (free) coaching sessions in order to gain more experience. If you are interested in having a free coaching session please contact me at Thanks for listening!!