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Memory Loss Misconceptions:
What’s True & What’s Not

There are a lot of things that many of us think of as truths around our memory and our brains. This podcast covers some of them. The first and most important one is that our memories are accurate. That is absolutely not correct! Not only are our memories not accurate, they change every time we bring them up out of our brains.
That explains, for instance, why you and your spouse never seem to agree on something you both saw, experienced, or participated in. It also explains why multiple “eye witnesses” tell different versions of the same event. Just because you think you saw it remember that you may be wrong!
Another one that gets a lot of play on TV and in books and movies is repressed childhood memories. Turns out there is no such thing. People who had early trauma experiences in their lives are not likely to either repress it and/or forget it. Interesting, huh?
I talk a lot about Alzheimer’s and its connection with memories. Turns out that loss of memory is not the first sign of Alzheimer’s. It’s actually the breakdown of judgement and decision-making as well as anxiety, irritability, or other personality changes. So watch for those in your loved ones, not memory loss.
There are some more examples and then I throw in my favorite diet to help you with any memory and/or brain issues – The Mediterranean Diet. There are just more and more studies showing how valuable it can be for so many areas of your health. The fact that you can have a glass of red wine each day as a part of the diet just seals the deal as far as I’m concerned.
Here are a couple of Mediterranean Diet books that I really like if you’re looking for one.