Embracing the Silver Economy




My guest this week is entrepreneur Wallis Pattisonn. We had a great conversation about redefining retirement and seizing opportunities in the “silver economy.” Wallis emphasizes the importance of recognizing and utilizing the wealth of skills, experience, and knowledge that older individuals possess in today’s ever-changing world. Encouraging listeners to embrace their entrepreneurial spirit, she shares personal anecdotes and valuable insights into creating side hustles and monetizing one’s expertise and experience. The episode delves into the evolving nature of aging and the importance of staying engaged in life, while highlighting new possibilities and the significance of making choices that lead to a fulfilling life.

We had an enlightening discussion about taking control of one’s life, being assertive, and advocating for oneself to be seen and heard. Wallis emphasizes the value of intuition and following it as a guide in decision-making, while Wallis and I explore the tendency to give advice to others but not always listen to their own advice. The episode further delves into the evolving innovations and services tailored to cater to the needs of an aging population, from mindful living to alternative meal options, and diversifying vacation options for different age groups.

Wallis encourages us to reassess our goals, to not stopping dreaming, and aiming for desires, you are invited to engage with her YouTube podcast, “Wednesdays with Wallace,” and explore her new website, boldnotold.com.au . With a focus on the silver economy, the website offers membership access to various resources and soul wisdom oracle cards, providing an opportunity for individuals to tap into their potential and expand their horizons.

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