Interview with Joe Templin (Joe) Templin joined me for today’s podcast to talk about Excellence, continuous growth, and his interesting path to where he is. I can’t cover it all
Intermittent Fasting Brian Gryn is an intermittent fasting expert, wellness coach, author, human movement specialist, and host of the Get Lean Eat Clean Podcast.What began for Brian as a personal exploration
Interview with Pete McCall guest, Pete McCall, describes himself as a career fitness educator who has worked with the leading personal training certifications, health clubs and equipment companies. Besides
Interview With Dr. Melina My guest today is Dr. Melina Jampolis, a board-certified physician nutrition specialist (one of only a few hundred). She has hosted her own program on Discovery
Stop Yo-Yo Dieting VIDEO Tricia Nelson has put yo-yo weight and dieting behind her and on the podcast she tells us how and why she did that. Her business is called Heal
Good Starch Today’s show is about how you can eat some of the good tasting starchy food that you like and not feel guilty. These kinds of starches are good
Live Your Life From Love guest this week is author Dr. Marni Hill Foderaro. Marni shares her life story with us, from a 35-year career as a high school
Finally Lose the Weight week’s guest is Glenn Livingston, Ph.D., author of the book Never Binge Again along with other books and products to help people get down
You Are Already a Whole Perfect Person Today’s podcast is a little different from my usual formats. It’s not an interview and it’s not about health issues or studies. It’s
Happy 2022! A very short show this week. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and a Wonderful 2022 year ahead!Also, a reminder that I am continuing my offer of a Holiday