gym room

Getting Stronger As We Age

An Interview with Joseph Oniwor My guest today is Joseph Oniwor. Joe is a pro arena football player turned transformation trainer who has been in the fitness industry for 28 years.
coffee beans and coffee

Coffee & Caffeine

Are They Healthy For Us?I read an article about coffee and the health benefits of it which aroused my curiosity and led to this week’s podcast subject - Coffee &
Kari Klein Podcast thumbnail

Kari Klein Interview

Changing Her Message and Her Vocation Join Kari Klein and I as we discuss finding a way to pivot and grow from one passion to a larger vocation... you can listen
Tai Chi Exercises

Multi-Subject Podcast

Valuable and Short Information As the title says, this podcast is made up of 5 different short subjects. There were so many new and interesting studies that had been published that

How Relaxation Makes You Healthier

Interview with Jeff Kelton, PhD(You can watch the audio and/or the video of the podcast!!)  My guest today is Jeff Kelton, PhD, self-described incessant wanderer and author of An Insider’s Guide
Stethoscope on a heart in medical background

The Silent Heart Attack

You May Not Know If You Have A Heart AttackThere is something called a Silent Heart Attack (SMI) and there are a lot of people who have one. Depending on