Fresh Washed Vegetables

The Power of Food Prep

  Enjoy Cooking Meals   My guest this week is Amy Lawrence – published author, healthy cooking and eating advocate, stroke survivor, tea room and retail tea shop owner. After gaining, and
Dynamic Balance

Dynamic Balance Training

    Movement-Based Fitness Andy Chan is a certified strength & conditioning specialist, educator, and speaker from Hong Kong. He has a genuine passion for making a positive impact in
Movement - Playing Ball

Amazing Life Journey

 Movement Gap Coach Trent McIntire is a former professional dancer and pilates studio owner with more than 20 years of helping people gain back their mobility through his Movement Gap programs.
Turn Back Time

Turn Back Time

  Age Reversal Expert week’s guest, Larisa Petrini, is an Age Reversal Expert and Epigenetic specialist known for turning the clock back 10 years for her clients. She is the
Four Body types wide

Body Type Science

 Fellow One Research week’s podcast, with Marc Nelson of Fellow One Research, is about something I had never heard of but which I am definitely going to learn more about.
Dr Peebles cover rectangle

ProHealth Chiropractor

  Author & Physician guest today is Dr. Danielle Peebles, an author and Chiropractic physician in St. Louis, MO. One of her major accomplishments has been her Pro Health

Simple Self Creation

  A New Understanding of Life week’s podcast interview is with Michaela Ellis, an Alberta, Canada, based coach. Michaela, like so many of us, spent 17 years in government and

A Health & Brain Booster

MyVitalC This week’s podcast is with Chris Burres, the CEO and owner of SES Research - the first company to deliver carbon nano materials and the first nano antioxidant product -
Good Posture

An Energetic Chiropractor

Body In Balance week’s guest, Dr. Diana Salazar, is an Energetic Chiropractor specializing in gentle adjustments, proactive postural training and intuitive healing. Her goal is to help people feel better and